Our inspector will send you a detailed electronic PRISM HomeWatch Inspection Report displaying the condition of your property using software that captures the GPS coordinates as well as the time and date corresponding to the report’s creation. Using the HomeWatch IT software system, Clients can log in from our website at any time (24/7) and view any reports completed at their home. You have infallible evidence that your home was visited should you ever have an insurance claim or other need. HomeWatch IT operates on an encrypted network, and passwords are changed on a regular basis, thus protecting your personal information. For your convenience, our website has been equipped with a feature that lets you request work, set appointments, view invoices, and let us know when you will be in residence.

Includes but is not limited to:
- Verify that all doors and windows are properly secure to minimize the chance of break-ins.
- Check for evidence of water leaks or damage and check for visual signs of mold and mildew.
- Visual inspection for signs of insects and or rodents.
- Check that the HVAC is properly operating in cooling or heating mode and reset the thermostat and humidistat settings if needed.
- Run faucets, sink disposals, and flush toilets.
- Check that the main water valve is turned off after each inspection (unless otherwise requested by the client).
- Check the electric panel for tripped breakers and make sure the electric water heater breaker is turned off.
- Visual inspection throughout the property including the lanai and garage.
- Trash & Recycling Bins Service (place bins out to curb for pick up or bring bins in)
- Package Pick-Up & Bring In (bring in packages delivered to property)
- Walk the exterior perimeter of single-family homes to check pool condition, screening, signs of vandalism, etc.
- PRISM HomeWatch Inspection Checklist Report completed during each home watch inspection.
- IMMEDIATE reporting to the Client of any abnormalities found.

Additional Administrative, Concierge, & Maintenance Services
Completed by PRISM HomeWatch or by coordination with other professionals.
- Coordinate Repair or Maintenance Services
- Give Access (to vendors/service providers)
- Waiting Services (for service, repair, delivery, installation, etc.)
- Mail Forwarding
- Open & Prep Home for Owner or Guest Arrivals
- Close Down Home After Owner or Guest Departs
- Pre-Storm Preparation Assistance
- Post-Storm Inspections
- Auto Care (vehicle battery maintainer set up and removal, running and drive the vehicle, taking vehicle to be washed/cleaned, etc.)
- Grocery Shopping & Stocking
If there are other services that you think of…let us know and we can fill in the blank!

We guarantee ALL our work.

Over 20 years serving your community.

Fully Licensed and Insured.